Gender Reassignment Surgery : Frequently Asked Questions

What is Gender Reassignment Surgery? In a procedure known as gender reassignment surgery, also referred to as sex reassignment surgery, a transgender person's sexual traits are changed to match the gender they identify with. Or, to put it more simply, female sex organs and appearance are modified to look like those of males. How is Gender Reassignment Surgery initiated? The basic steps for gender reassignment surgery start whenever a diagnosis of gender identity disorder (GID) is made and it is obvious that treatment is necessary. Hormone therapy is the first stage in getting the body to change its physical traits. Dr. Ashwini Dash claims that these hormones need to be administered over a long period of time. According to current regulations, hormone therapy must be administered for at least six months before surgery, and the patient must begin living in their gender role in order to be recognized by society for at least a year. Sex change surgery in Indore contact for more inform...